Welcome to Dharmapolis
Thank you for your interest in Dharmapolis and for signing up to our mailing list. This list will be used to send you information about new issues (about once a month), weekly updates (links and other items that we find interesting) and special announcements.
Discussions will primarily happen on social media - our Facebook group is the best place to discuss Dharmapolitanism but we will also set up shop on twitter soon.
Also, if you're interested in writing for Dharmapolis, please do let us know. We are looking for thoughtful pieces irrespective of topic or political and religious persuasion.
Let's end this short email with a topical piece on Aeon that discusses the future of the moral imagination that came out on the same day as Dharmapolis. Aeon is a wonderful online newsmagazine in case you haven't seen it. Enjoy!
The Dharmapolitans